DBI Facade inspection and maintenance program
Keep your building facade safe
The San Francisco Building Facade and Maintenance Program requires that all buildings that are five or more stories tall be regularly inspected by a California-licensed architect or engineer. The program has additional inspection requirements for buildings that are fifteen or more stories tall. The findings of the inspection are to be documented in a written report submitted to the Department of Building Inspection. Noncompliant code conditions identified in the report will need to addressed. Follow the instructions below to comply with the program.Submit your facade inspection reportWhat to do
1. Check whether your building is part of the Facade Program
Buildings included in the Facade Program are:
- 5 or more stories tall and
- Type I, II, III, or IV construction
Buildings in the Facade Program must submit an initial comprehensive facade inspection report by the deadline listed below, based on the date your building was constructed. Thereafter, a comprehensive facade inspection report must be submitted every ten years.
Buildings 15 or more stories tall are also required to submit a supplemental facade inspection report by the deadline listed below, based on the date your building was constructed.
Buildings constructed after 1997 are required to submit a supplemental facade inspection report every five years until the submittal of their initial comprehensive facade report as required by the deadline listed below. After that, these buildings are required to alternate every five years between submitting a supplemental facade inspection report and a comprehensive facade inspection report.
2. Determine the type of report required and the deadline
The Facade Program has inspection and reporting requirements for buildings that are 5 or more stories tall and additional requirements for buildings that are 15 or more stories tall.
- A comprehensive facade report is required for all buildings five or more stories tall. It is a general and detailed inspection of all building facades.
- A supplemental facade report is required for all buildings fifteen or more stories tall. It is a general inspection of all facades.
Requirements for both types of inspections are detailed in San Francisco Existing Building Code Chapter 5F.
Facade inspections and maintenance on buildings that are a “historic resource” need to be performed according to the U.S. Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties.
Report deadlines
Compliance Tier | Building Construction Completion Date | Comprehensive Inspection Report Due Date | Supplemental Inspection Report Due Date |
1 | Built before 1910 | December 31, 2021 | December 31, 2026 |
2 | Built between 1910 and 1925 | December 31, 2023 | December 31, 2028 |
3 | Built between 1926 and 1970 | December 31, 2025 | December 31, 2030 |
4 | Built between 1971 and 1997 | December 31, 2027 | December 31, 2032 |
5 | Built after 1997 | December 31 of the 30th year after receiving the Certificate of Final Completion and Occupancy | April 30, 2024 |
3. Hire a design professional
You must hire a California licensed architect or engineer to do your facade inspection.E
If your building is a historic resource, you must hire someone with expertise in preserving, maintaining, restoring and rehabilitating historic buildings. Additional information is available in Administrative Bulletin 110.
4. Follow the inspection and report requirements in the building code
Your licensed architect or engineer will write an inspection report and report conclusions.
They must follow all the rules for our inspection report and report conclusions in Administrative Bulletin 110.
Ensure your submittal report includes either:
A complete list of requirements for the Comprehensive Facade Report and Supplemental Facade Report can be found in Administrative Bulletin 110, Attachments C and D.
5. Submit your report
You may submit your completed facade inspection report by email, in person, or by mail.
Send your completed inspection report and documents.
Include “Facade Inspection Report” in the subject line.
In-person or by mail
Bring or mail print copies to:
Permit Center - DBI Technical Services Division Counter
49 South Van Ness Avenue, 2nd floor
San Francisco, CA 94103
Mon to Tue, 7:30 am to 4:00 pm
Wed, 9:00 am to 4:00 pm
Thu to Fri, 7:30 am to 4:00 pm
Administrative Bulletin AB-110 - See the administrative bulletin in the building code detailing the facade program inspection and reporting requirements.
San Francisco Existing Building Code Chapter 5F - See the full text of the building code detailing the facade program and associated City fees.
Need help?
For assistance, please contact DBI's Technical Services Division at:
(628) 652-3720
Permit Center - DBI Technical Services Division Counter
49 South Van Ness Avenue, 2nd floor
San Francisco, CA 94103
Mon to Tue, 7:30 am to 11:30 am
Wed, 9:00 am to 11:30 am
Thu to Fri, 7:30 am to 11:30 am