October 18, 2022 Health Commission Meeting

Tuesday, October 18, 2022

In this page:


    1. Agenda
    2. Laguna Honda Hospital and Rehabilitation Center Closure Plan and CMS Recertification Update
    3. Closed Session: LHH Quality Update Regarding Recent Regulatory Survey Activity

      NOTE:   The Health Commission will meet in Closed Session for 60 minutes and then return to Open Session.

       Members of the public attending the meeting via online access may return to the meeting 60 minutes after the Health Commission goes into Closed Session, and Open Session will start again shortly thereafter.  Members of the public attending in person will be asked to leave the room for 60 minutes and will be let back in once the Health Commission returns to Open Session.  The Health Commission will not return to Open Session sooner than 60 minutes after starting Closed Session.  If the Health Commission does not complete the Closed Session discussion within the 60-minute period, it will return to Closed Session at the end of the meeting

    4. October 4, 2022 Health Commission Meeting Minutes
    5. Directors Report
    6. Annual Compliance Training
    7. Office of Compliance and Privacy Affairs Annual Report
    8. General Public Comment

      IN-PERSON PUBLIC COMMENT:  Please fill out a "Public Comment" form located outside room 300; the Health Commission Secretary will have additional forms in the hearing room. 

      REMOTE PUBLIC COMMENT CALL-IN: 415-655-0003/ Access Code:  2455 100 2801

      After entering the access code, press # twice to listen to the meeting

    9. Community and Public Health Committee Update

      There are no documents for this item.

    10. Other Business

      There are no documents for this item.

    11. Joint Conference Committee and Other Committee Reports

      There are no documents for this item.

    12. Closed Session

      There are no public documents for this item.

    13. Adjournment

      There are no documents for this item.

    Date & Time

    Tuesday, October 18, 2022
    4:00 pm

    Health Commission

    101 Grove Street
    Room 300
    San Francisco, CA 94102
    View location on google maps


    This meeting will be held in person at 101 Grove Street, Room 300. As authorized by California Government Code Section 54953(e) and Mayor Breed’s 45th Supplement to her February 25, 2020 emergency proclamation, it is possible that some members of the San Francisco Health Commission may attend this meeting remotely via Webex. In that event, those members will participate and vote by video. Members of the public may attend the meeting to observe and provide public comment at the physical meeting location listed or use the Webex information listed on page 4 of this meeting agenda to view remote public comment information. Everyone attending the meeting in person is required to wear a mask throughout the meeting.

    If you have trouble viewing the meeting on SFGovTV, see link on page 4 of the agenda.
    View Livestream


    Public Comment Call-in Information:

    Access Code: 2455 100 2801
    Instructions for public comment are located on page 4 of the agenda.

    Video - Health Commission meeting 101822

    Video of meeting proceedings will be posted approximately 5-7 business days after the meeting is held.

    Last updated July 17, 2024