March 28, 2022 Bicycle Advisory Committee Meeting

Monday, March 28, 2022

In this page:


    1. Roll Call
    2. Ramaytush Ohlone Land Acknowledgement
    3. In Memoriam - Devon Warner
    4. Public Comment

      The public may address the Committee on any matter within the jurisdiction of the Committee.  This should not relate to any item on this agenda since the Committee will take public comment after it discusses and/or before voting on each agenda item.  The Committee requests that each person limit him/herself to three minutes.

    5. Committee Reports & Administrative Business
      1. Chairman's Report
      2. District Committee Member Reports
    6. Governmental/Organizational/Committee Reports
      1. MTA Bicycle Program Report - Eillie Anzilotti (she, her)
      2. SF Bicycle Coalition – Open
      3. SFPD Traffic Division – Lt. Bill Conley (Acting Captain) Excused
      4. Public Works - Open
      5. BART Bicycle Advisory Task Force – Rick Goldman & Tyler Morris
      6. Bay Wheels – Neal Patel (No Report)
    7. SFMTA BAC Staffing Reframe

      (Presentation) Christopher Kidd, SFMTA, will bring a proposal to reorganize SMFTA staffing to the BAC and a proposal to institute a rolling 6-month advance calendar for the BAC agenda.

    8. SFMTA Active Communities Plan

      Christopher Kidd, SFMTA, will present on the SFMTA Active Communities Plan (ACP). The ACP is the first comprehensive citywide update to the Bicycle Master Plan since the 2005-2009 Bike Plan. The ACP will run from January 2022 to March 2024.

    9. Adjournment

    Date & Time

    Monday, March 28, 2022
    6:30 pm


    To attend, please register for the March 28, 2022 meeting using this Eventbrite link.
    Sign up


    Draft February, 28 2022 Minutes for approval

    Last updated April 4, 2022