Frequently Asked Questions about Mobile Food Facilities

Answers to questions you may have about mobile food facilities.

What is a commissary? 

A commissary is a permitted food facility that has been approved by San Francisco Department of Public Health (SFDPH) for a MFF to use for storage, cleaning, servicing, and preparing food for use during service hours.  

Locating a permitted commissary

What can be used as a commissary? 

A permitted food facility within City and County of San Francisco or a permitted food facility in another County (outside county commissary requires signature from outside County Department of Public Health Inspector) 

Where can I sell? 

SFDPH does not approve vending locations. Public streets or areas within San Francisco require approval from Department of Public Works (DPW). Private property within San Francisco such as a gas station or private lot require approval from the Planning Department for a Temporary Use Authorization (TUA).  

Department of Public Works

Temporary Use Authorization

What can I sell? 

What you sell depends on what your MFF capabilities are. Typically, a smaller operation limits the type of items that can be sold. Consult with our Team before purchasing any MFF to see what your proposed operations may be limited to. 

Understand which type of mobile food facility (MFF) you have

What if I want to move from my current vending location to a different location? 

If you decide to move locations, notify SFDPH and submit an updated Location Update Form to us via email: MOBILEFOOD@SFDPH.ORG. Obtain approval from any other applicable City Agencies such as DPW. On your business account portal, add a new location but DO NOT inactivate your old location site (LIN) as this may impact your regulatory permits.

Location Update Form

If I plan on closing my business, what do I need to do? 

If you decide to close your business permanently, contact us at MOBILEFOOD@SFDPH.ORG and we will send you a business closure form that needs to be filled out.  

Last updated June 11, 2024