Center for Data Science

Advising the city's core public health services through the innovative use of data.

About CDS

The Center for Data Science (CDS) is an integral part of the Population Health Division in the San Francisco Department of Public Health. Our mission is to use data to uncover health disparities and improve public health decision-making, services, and outcomes across the city. We use a range of data science techniques and always center equity in our work. The Center for Data Science includes a Data Visualization and Reporting Program, a Health Equity Program, and a Public Health Emergency & Preparedness Program. These three programs interact and collaborate across projects.  

Broadly, our work includes:
  • Developing data visualizations that make complex data accessible and understandable  
  • Fostering partnerships with internal and external partners
  • Enhancing access to health data
  • Providing technical assistance to branches within the Population Health Division
  • Supporting larger citywide health initiatives through the novel use of data 

Data Visualization and Reporting

The Data Visualization and Reporting (DVR) team supports the mission and goals of the Department of Public Health (DPH) by transforming complex data into clear and actionable visualizations. Our work empowers data-informed decision-making and fosters transparency in addressing public health challenges. We provide technical and analytical support to teams across DPH, with our main activities including:

  • Building public facing datasets and dashboards 
  • Creating internal dashboards for monitoring and surveillance 
  • Setting and upholding standards for dashboard design with a focus on accessibility
  • Developing tools and processes for internal data tracking and quality improvement
  • Supporting the creation and documentation of automated data pipelines 
  • Contributing to data policy and standards

Some examples of our work include: 

Health Equity Program

The Health Equity Program is a team of epidemiologists who use data to improve equity. We track population health trends in San Francisco.  

Our work: 
  • Focuses on understanding and reducing health disparities, 
  • Informs funding and policy decisions for the Department of Public Health, and 
  • Improves transparency with the communities that we serve.   
 Current projects include: 

Public Health Emergency & Preparedness Program

The Center for Data Science (CDS) supports data-driven advance planning and analyses for SFDPH’s Public Health Emergency Preparedness and Response branch, the Environmental Health Branch, and the Emergency Management Services (EMS) Agency.

Our work:
  • Focuses on understanding current population health trends in San Francisco
  • Advances emergency preparedness research
  • Informs the development of hazard vulnerability assessments
  • Improves data interoperability between healthcare data systems and public health data systems
  • Informs policy decisions for citywide programs regarding emergency response, climate, environmental health, and emergency management agencies
Current projects include: 

Grant Awards & Training Programs

  • Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists (CSTE) Data Science Training Team Award (2024)
    • Our team project is modernizing our data pipelines by improving data processing through automation, and by developing internal dashboards and public facing neighborhood profiles of health data.
  • CDC-Funded Grant to Reduce Health Disparities (2021-2023) National Initiative to Address COVID-19 Public Health Disparities among Populations at High-Risk and Underserved, Including Racial and Ethnic Minority Populations and Rural Communities 
  • The Population Health Fellowship (PHF) pathway program is supported by the Center for Learning & Innovation (CLI). Fellows will receive hands on experience with project management, research, and will be able to explore a range of career options in public health while receiving one-on-one mentoring from experienced staff within CDS. Fellows will also have opportunities to attend professional development workshops that will prepare them to enter the public health workforce. 

Other Projects & Partnerships

Last updated July 11, 2024