
COVID-19 vaccine clinic at SFO

Make an appointment to get the Johnson & Johnson vaccine. Children 12 and over can drop in to get the Pfizer vaccine. These public clinics are operated in partnership with Safeway Pharmacy.


Thursday, June 3, 2021
10:00 am to 6:00 pm



You do not need insurance to get the COVID-19 vaccine.


  • Edwin M Lee International Departures Hall, between Aisles 6 and 7

If you're 18 years and older, you can make an appointment or drop in to get the Johnson & Johnson vaccine.

Children 12 years and older can get the Pfizer vaccine first-come, first serve. If you get your first Pfizer dose at SFO, you must go somewhere else for your second.

Learn more at SFO's website about more onsite vaccinations at the airport.
