311 service requests by neighborhood

The number of service requests related to Street and Sidewalk Maintenance standards received between July 2023-June 2024.


The 311 Customer Service Center provides support to the City’s residents for a variety of non-emergency requests from street and sidewalk cleaning to parking enforcement. Several service categories in 311 mirror issues we track in the Citywide survey, including litter, dumping, graffiti, and feces. 

We examined 311 service categories to see how frequently reported issues compared with a few survey categories at the Citywide and neighborhood level. 

311 service requests by neighborhood

Use this map to see how many service requests the City received through 311 from January 1, 2022 to June 30, 2024.. Filter the data by selecting the type of service request in the drop down below.

Data notes and sources

Data notes and sources

Service requests are available as a public dataset

We examined relevant 311 trends over the same timeframe as our evaluations to compare trends over time at a Citywide level and across neighborhoods. 

To more accurately compare time periods, we looked at the monthly average requests in the service categories of interest. This helped us compare the two, 12-month time periods (January-December 2022 and July 2023-June 2024), and the one six-month period from January-June 2023.  

To compare neighborhoods over time and normalize across larger and smaller neighborhoods, we calculated the route length (in miles) for evaluated routes in each neighborhood. Then, we examined the monthly average requests per mile in each neighborhood. This measure provides a sense of how frequently types of issues arise on a monthly basis per mile. The following maps show the relative severity of 311 requests and survey results across the city.  


Street and Sidewalk Maintenance Program
